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Personal Start Pages

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Saved by Nina Lyulkun
on October 21, 2008 at 9:40:25 pm



Welcome to personal start pages for LwC!



Over the next few weeks, we'll be exploring personal start or home pages, especially Pageflakes. With Pageflakes and similar online tools, you'll be able to create your own personal start page, bringing everything that you are interested in to one place! This makes it easy to see when your favorite blogs and sites have been updated, what your friends are saying on Twitter, or even what the weather is like! In order to get started, we'll review the very basics of RSS and then we'll get started creating our own personal, class, and professional pages using Pageflakes. As you'll see, you can easily customize your Pageflake to suit your interests and needs. Finally, in addition to Pageflakes, try out alternate tools, such as Netvibes and iGoogle, or even Protopage.






1. Watch Nik Peachey's training video and/or read his post about start pages

2. Check out options for creating your personal start or home page, including Pageflakes, Netvibes, iGoogle, Protopage;

3. LwC members who already have a Pageflakes or start page, please share your URL with the group, so others can peruse sample pages from LwCers who already using them

Optional: If you need more information about RSS, please see Common Craft RSS in Plain English video


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Name Personal Start Page
Carla Arena http://www.pageflakes.com/carlaarena/13889178
Vance Stevens http://www.pageflakes.com/vancestevens/13491441
Mary Hillis http://www.pageflakes.com/maryehillis/19117112
 Ana Maria Menezes  http://www.pageflakes.com/anamariacult
 Gladys Baya  http://www.pageflakes.com/gladysbaya
 LWC Pageflakes http://www.pageflakes.com/LWC/25075157




Questions: Let's have our discussion on the LwC Blog. Please post a comment on this LwC Blog post.


*How would RSS be useful for educators?

*What is a Start or Home Page and how would it help you?

*What are your initial impressions of Pageflakes?

*Which option for creating your homepage will you try and why?

*Other comments or questions?



Week Two: Creating your personal start page

Welcome to week two of personal start pages for LwC!  We would like to thank everyone for their contributions to last week's discussion as we started learning about Pageflakes and other sites.  If you missed the interaction, please check out the comments on the blog post and the fabulous summary that Nina prepared on our wiki.  This week, our aim is to work on creating your own personal start page with Pageflakes or the tool of your choice, such as Netvibes.  Looking forward to seeing lots of new sites!

Mary Hillis and Nina Llylkun and our special guests, Nik Peachey and Carla Arena


1. Check out this presentation by Carla Arena on setting up your Pageflakes pagecast and adding RSS feeds to your page.

2. Get started building your personal start page.  If you're using Pageflakes, that means adding flakes, pages, possibly copying/watching other people's pages; and making your page public, if you want.  After you've created your personal start page, add the URL to the table on the wiki.

3. Check out our Learning with Computers PageflakesIf you would like to see your blog added to our list of member blogs page, please send your blog's URL to Nina at  nina.lyulkun@gmail.com  or add them yourself.

Optional: You may want to consult Pageflakes HELP pages or send a message to the group if you have any questions.

Questions: Please send a message to our Yahoo Group to discuss the following questions:

  • Now that you've started working with Pageflakes, what "flakes" do you think are most useful?   
  • What do you think are the advantages of using Pageflakes for your personal start page?  Any disadvantages?  If you're using another start pages (Netvibes, etc.), what are its good and bad points?   
  • Have you found any interesting pages to copy or watch?
  • Any other questions or comments about the topic?


Looking forward to our interaction this month!

Mary Hillis and Nina (Nagora), and our special guest Nik Peachey





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