Online Exercises


Online Exercises


Welcome to the online exercises month at LWC. We will explore different tools to create online exercises every week, so here you will find the links to the tools and some explanation about how to get started.


Our suggestion is that you open the link to the tool and do things and you read the instructions. Remember that any additional question you may have will be very welcomely answered in our Y-group.


After you create your quiz, share it with us using the Participats' Online Quizzes page , and then don't forget to also visit the Tools advantages and disavantages page to help us build a thorough review of the tools we will explore.









Here are the instruction to use proprofs: 


- Click on "Quiz School"


- Register and Login


- Click on "Create a quiz"


- Click on "Create Scored quiz"


- fill in the title, description, tags (optional) and write the questions and answers

- To add more questions, click on the type of question you want to add. Proprofs offers only 3 types: multiple choice, fill in the blank and essay type. The two first ones can be computer-corrected, but essay types need to be accessed and corrected by the teacher.


- Choose the score, messages, colors and accessibility options and click on “create quiz”


- Click on “launch quiz”. The url that appears on your browser can be copied and sent to people or used to link your quiz somewhere else. Proprofs also gives the option of embedding the quizzes, so you can copy the html code and then embed you quiz to your blog, wiki, and any other webpage

-To take the quiz, take on “take this quiz”





Here are the instructions to use Script-O:


- Register and Login


- On the tab “quizzes”, click on the button GO next to “create a new quiz”


- Write title, description, choose the options, choose the kind of question and click “continue”


- Write the question, answer, explanation, and click “next”. It goes, by default, to a next question of the same type, but you can change the type by clicking the drop-down box on the top “question type”. To test this tool, I suggest you create one question for each type, so that you learn and understand how each type works.


- When you’re done, you can preview it, make further changes, and when you’re satisfied, click on “save”


* Here is the secret of Script-O: for you to have a url available to everybody, you have to create a class page and add the quiz to this class page, because if you copy the url from the “view option”, only you will have access to the quiz if logged in.


- Click on the tab “classes”, and then on the button GO next to “create a new class page”


- Type the title, description, and change the colors (if you’d like) and click on “quizzes [attach/remove]” in order to attach a quiz to that page. A list of your quizzes will appear. You click on the one(s) you want to add and click “submit”. Finally click on “save”


- Script-O will generate a url for that page, and that’s the url that you can advertise, send to people, tell students, link in your own exercises page, etc. 





Eclipse Crossword



These are 2 examples of puzzles made with Eclipse:

Puzzle about blogging jargon:

Puzzle about opposites:


In order to read the hints, click on one of the many squares in the puzzle.


Here are the instructions to use Eclipse Crossword:



Now that the puzzle is complete, you have to decide what to do with it. You can print it or publish it online. The idea here is to work with a puzzle online that can be solved right in the web browser, so the best option is "Save as a webpage" and select the option "interactive with java script". Give it a title and it will be saved in your computer as an html file. 


In order to publish it online, you need to save this html file in a server. You can use your school server, your own server (if you have one), or a free online erver to host this file. Once you save your file in a server, it will generate an access link to the activity.


These are some links to free online servers where you can save your file:





Memory Game Maker


Memory game maker icon


Memory Game Maker is a program used to create exercises with pairs of words or sentences in text, images or sound.


Here are some examples of games created with this program:




School Objects:


Questions (audio):




Acess the following tutorial to install and use the Memory Game Maker (this tutorial was kindly created by Teresa Almeida d'Eça)


Attention: Just as Eclipse Crossword, you need to save all memory game maker files in an internet server if you wan to play it online.





















matching, flashcard, concentration, word search (you create one activity and quia produces these four automatically) 




challenge board








jumbled words 


ordered list




picture perfect




rags to riches


scavenger hunt